Cholesterol test is an examination carried out to measure the level of fat in the blood. For people with a history of high cholesterol, cholesterol tests need to be done regularly. Cholesterol levels in the blood that are not controlled can trigger the emergence of various diseases, such as strokes and heart attacks. If you do not have special health problems, it is recommended to do a cholesterol check at least once every five years. But if you have a history of high cholesterol, suffer from obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, or heart disease, do a cholesterol test regularly according to doctor's recommendations. What Does the Cholesterol Test Measure? Cholesterol tests can be done to measure the levels of four types of fat in the blood, namely: 1. Good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein / HDL) HDL is known as good cholesterol because it helps the body remove bad cholesterol from the blood, and prevents fat from accumulating in blood vessels. The ideal HDL ...